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Hi I'm Jo, your local Perinatal Educator and I am here to help you!
Have you booked onto one of my classes or workshops and have a query or maybe you are in the process of booking and have a question or bespoke request? Or maybe you have recently attended one of my classes and would like to leave a comment?
I’d love to hear from you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Local classes are currently held at the following venues
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​I love connecting with mums and dads to be, new parents and businesses who may be looking to collaborate. I am on Facebook and Instagram so come and have a nosey. You will find lots of pictures of my classes and workshops, more feedback from my clients and educational snippets both antenatal and postnatal.

How many people will be in the class or workshop I am attending?We allow a max of: 12 people in our Active Antenatal classes, but on average it's 6-8. 12 people (up to 6 pairs) in our Active Birth Workshop, but on average it's 6-8. 10 people in our Baby Massage or Baby Yoga classes, but on average it’s 6-8 We keep our group sizes small, so there’s enough time to connect, ask questions and get to know each other.
How many people can attend per ticket for the Active Birth Workshop or Parent Course?The ticket price allows for two people.
Is there anywhere to park?There is plenty of parking for the full class in front of the building.
Is there anywhere to leave my pram?There is a small reception area as you enter the building where prams can be stored safely.
What is my baby sleeps through the entire session?If your baby is happy for you to continue the massage while they are sleeping you can try that. Alternatively, I bring along to every class two or three spare dolls so that if your little one is sleeping and you would like to continue you can practice the routines on the dolls. Also, if you prefer to enjoy some hands off time and relax you can still soak up the education and try again back at home.
What if my baby cries in class?At my Nurturing Mummy and Baby classes it is a baby led environment so all noises are welcomed and perfectly natural. Please don’t worry. We also have some techniques that we use in class to help baby relax and feel at ease. Also, I always suggest to mums to bring along any soothers or blankets of toys that has your littles ones familiar smell on. This can be a great comfort to your little one in an unfamiliar space.
Is it okay to feed my baby in class?Yes, of course. This is a baby led environment so if baby is hungry and needs to feed or if baby is tired and needs to sleep please feel free to do as you would if at home.
Are there any changing facilities for my baby in class?In my baby classes I have a changing station set up in the room so that you don’t have to leave and miss any of the class content. The changing station includes a changing mat, wipes and nappy bags. All you need is a nappy. Everything is cleaned and sterilised after each session.
Can I bring a family member to the baby classes?For Baby Massage this class is just for the fourth trimester mum and baby. In Baby Yoga any caregiver can attend the class with baby.
Can I bring my birth partner to the Active Antenatal classes?The Active Antenatal classes are just for the pregnant person/ mum to be due to the way the class content has been designed. We try to create a safe space for mum to be to feel free to express her needs, wants and concerns. However, we do offer other workshops such as the Active Birth Workshop and The Parent Course where birth partner can also attend.
Do I need any equipment for the Active Antenatal Classes?All equipment is provided for your comfort including cushions, blankets, yoga blocks and yoga mats. All you need to bring is a bottle of water.
When should I start Antenatal Classes?The Active Antenatal classes are from 14 weeks pregnant all the way up to giving birth. The Active Birth Workshop and The Parent Course are from around 28 weeks pregnant but if you are eager to start sooner we will try to accommodate you.
What do I wear for the Active Antenatal Classes?The class is mat based so comfy clothes are always best.
Will I get Direct Support From You?These lovely classes are also an opportunity to meet other expectant mums in your area and become part of the Bumps in Bloom Community. You’ll also get support from me through: follow up emails after each class you will be invited to your terms WhatsApp Group and a wider Bumps in Bloom Community Facebook Group Contact me direct any time to arrange a 121 call if you have any questions or concerns
What Does Each Class Include?A set of positive affirmation cards for pregnancy and birth in your first class Pregnancy yoga based movements Antenatal and active birth education Breathing techniques and positions for each stage of labour Relaxation and birth hypnosis Friendship and community All the equipment such as blankets, yoga mats, cushions & yoga blocks are provided
Who Are The Classes For?The Weekly Active Antenatal Classes are for expectant mums only and suitable to attend from 14 weeks up until baby’s birth.
Can The Classes Be Adapted?Classes can be adapted to suit all pregnancy related conditions and birth choices. Therefore, they are suitable for everyone, regardless of whether this is your first or your fifth baby.
How Long Should I Attend For?Classes are booked in blocks of 6 weeks at a time, however they are designed to support you throughout your pregnancy, right up until baby’s birth. We recommend continued attendance if possible, for maximum benefit; although one block of 6 weeks will give you the tools required for birth.
Can I Get Time Of Work For These Classes?Did you know you are entitled to time off work for antenatal care when pregnant? You can find more information about your rights to access antenatal care here: http://www.gov.uk/working-when-pregnant-your-rights
Where do the classes take place?Holyrood Early Years Centre – 233 Thelwall New Road, Thelwall, Warrington, WA4 2XT
How long is each individual class?Each class is 1-hour 45 minutes long and costs £90 in total for the full 6-week term.