Why is tummy time important and what are the benefits?
Tummy time is one of the easiest ways to enjoy some time with your newborn but tummy time is also essential to your baby's physical development.
Strengthen baby’s neck, shoulder, and arm muscles so the baby can start to sit up, crawl, and eventually walk on their own
Improve baby’s ability to move and control their muscles to complete various actions (sometimes called “motor skills”)
Prevents flat spots on the back of baby’s head
Tummy time is also a great way to bond with your baby
In our Nurturing Mummy and Baby classes, I often hear that some babies don’t like tummy time so here are 6 different ways of doing tummy time. Try at home and see which one your little one prefers. I’d love to hear what you think.
Eye level smile
Tummy to tummy
Lap Sooth
Tummy-down carry
Exercise ball tummy time
Flying from the floor
In our Baby Massage class we combine tummy time with a lovely back massage to help relax the baby whilst singing a nursery rhyme or two so that baby knows you are there.
It is important to note that tummy time must be supervised and the baby's airways must be clear. It's also important to stop if your little one gets tired and so they don't fall asleep in that position.
Tummy time tips
Most babies can start tummy time sessions a day or two after they are born. Babies benefit from having two or three short (3- to 5-minute) tummy time sessions each day. As your baby gets older, you can have longer, more regular sessions throughout the day. Paediatricians recommend that by about 2 months of age, babies be getting 15 to 30 minutes of total tummy time daily.
The following ideas can help you and your baby enjoy tummy time:
Lay out a blanket on a clear area of the floor.
Place a rolled-up towel/blanket or tummy time cushion under your baby’s arms to help prop them up slightly. It's important to make sure their airways remain clear.
Try short sessions after a nappy change or nap.
Put a toy within your little one's reach to help your baby interact with their surroundings and learn to play.
Always let your baby know you are still there by taking or singing to them. You could even join them on the floor and explore their toys together. Toys like mirrors are really helpful in keeping your baby interested, babies love seeing their faces.
When is the ideal time to do tummy time?
The ideal time to try some tummy time is when your baby is happy, fed and awake (but not straight after a feed).
Link tummy time to familiar activities such as nappy time, play time (add in a nursery rhyme or two), make part of your bath and bedtime routine.
Babies love consistency, so linking nappy time for example with tummy time will not only help remind you to do it but baby will also see this as a natural part of nappy time.